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7 Signs Your Car Battery is Dying

car battery replacement

Almost every Australian has nightmare stories about their car. Having your vehicle malfunction when you need it the most could make it seem like the whole universe is against you. 

This is a problem that mostly occurs with inexperienced drivers. Why? Well, an experienced driver will know the signs of a dying battery and will nip the problem in the bud before it gets any worse. 

However, you can’t know everything. So, to help you, here is a list of the signs that your car battery is dying. 

Knowing these signs will make sure that your car will be ready to go when you need it.

  1. Dimming of the headlights

    Almost every feature in your car uses the car battery. But the obvious one that it powers are your headlights. If you turn them on and you see that the light is flickering or dimming, then you likely need a car battery replacement.

    If your lights are dim and it hasn’t been three years since you purchased your car, then you can try doing an electric bypass to fill it again. It’s also worth remembering that leaving your lights on for a long time can drain your battery. 

  2. Dashboard lighting up

    The dashboard can light up for any reason. There are plenty of things that can be wrong when these little lights show up. One of these problems is your battery dying.  When there’s something wrong with your battery, a little light on the dashboard will tell you to do a battery check.

    When this happens, take your automobile to your local car service centre. There, they can advise you the condition in which your battery is in and undertake any necessary repairs. Consult with a certified mechanic as soon you notice this problem. If you don’t do this, you might have to pay for repairs that are time-consuming and expensive. 

  3. Electrical issues

    The electrical components in your interior are powered by the car battery. If you notice these components starting to malfunction, that’s a clear signal that your battery is dying. If your radio suddenly turns off for no reason or if your power seats aren’t heating up, it’s worth checking you batteries.

    As soon as you notice this sign, consult a car mechanic immediately. The earlier you respond to it, the better. Neglecting such issues could lead to more issues and more costly repairs. 

  4. Unusual sound of the engine

    The engine making unusual sounds can be a symptom of other issues. Make sure to pay attention when it makes the sound. Does it make a noise when your car is cold? Is it constant? Maybe it only makes a sound when you’re turning the engine.

    Knowing the exact time your car makes a noise can be helpful when you take your vehicle to a car mechanic. Professionals will be able to advise you if your battery is the source of issue or if it's something else. 

    These noises should not be taken lightly. Not getting these noises checked not only puts your battery at risk of getting damaged further but it can also put your own safety at risk. 

    To make sure that your car is running safely and optimally, always check with a professional about such issues. Your local mechanic will assess the issue and take care of any necessary repairs. 

  5. Engine is slow to start

    You might start noticing that the engine is a longer time to start than usual. Most drivers will let this slide. This is a big and common mistake. By doing this, you’re ignoring an important signal. Slow starting engines are often a sign of a dying car battery.

    If your car won’t start at all, you can try to pass electricity from another battery to yours. If that doesn’t solve the problem, then you might have to consult with a car mechanic to get it replaced.

  6. Age of the car battery

    The average lifespan of automobile batteries is 3-5 years. If it’s been more than this time, it’s worth checking if your battery needs replacing.

    Do some research and check the prices on the online market. By doing this, you can make informed decisions about which battery to get. Of course, it’s always good to check with your mechanic. They can give you expert advice on what to do next about your battery. 

  7. Unpleasant smell when you open the hood

    This happens when the chemicals inside the battery box are starting to  leak.  These chemicals will give off a pungent smell similar to rotten eggs.

    If you're starting to notice an unpleasant smell, check your car battery. For your own safety, it’s important that you don’t touch anything because such chemicals are highly corrosive. If you make contact, the substance can cause serious damage to your skin. 

    If a bad smell is starting to build from your car, then it's a sign that you’re in need of a  replacement battery.

Final thoughts

Having a car means taking responsibility for it. Simple maintenance can help you in the long run. Try to wash the car two or three times per month, clean the interior and check the tyres regularly. Along with all of this, you should also keep an eye out for the signs we’ve listed above. Noticing these signs can save you from having serious car and battery issues in the future. 

If something is not right, then take it to a trusted mechanic. Professionals will know what the source of the issue is and how to solve them. By doing this, you can be assured that your car’s lifespan will improve. 

If you’re not knowledgeable about cars and don’t know how to maintain your car, don’t hesitate to ask your mechanic.